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Bethany House Gresham womens shelter

















Our newest mother, Jessica says:

I am 23 yrs old and have made many wrong choices in my life including becoming a prostitute. Then I became involved in a relationship with a man, which after 5 months with him, I found I was pregnant. When I told him, he started abusing me, denying the child was his and resenting me. He also told me to get an abortion, which I refused to do.

From that point, things only got worse and he asked me to leave. I had nowhere to go, and then I found out about Bethany House. They were so eager to help me, and I was placed into a loving Sponsor Family where I learned about a loving God. I attended church every Sunday with the family and got involved in the Gathering with other young adults. I learned how to cook simpler, healthier meals and embraced many other life skills.

On Feb. 22nd I had a cesarean, giving birth to my 9lb 14oz baby girl but quickly found out not all was well. I came home and after a few days I got really sick, and starting throwing up, and then had to be admitted to the hospital. I was diagnosed with severe anemia and postpartum pre-eclampsia. I was on a ventilator for several days, but then was able to breathe on my own, however, my kidneys shut down and I had surgery to put a semi-permanent catheter in my neck where they were able to hook me up to dialysis 3x per week. The doctors were hopeful that my kidneys would come back because I am young and Praise God I am off dialysis and my kidneys are working great. I now have a part time job at home and am enjoying my little girl.

I want to thank my Sponsor Family, Bethany House, and my parents who were so helpful and my relationship with my mom and dad has grown leaps and bounds. Thank you for supporting such just a great ministry, so I could get the help I needed and a new life!!


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